Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 12: Rest in Wytheville

July 12th, rainy in morning, cloudy in afternoon

It rained pretty badly in the morning. And the weather forecast said that the thunderstorm would countinue until the weekend. I therefore decided to stay in Wytheville for an extra day and paid for the hotel room. The storm went away in the afternoon. It was still cloudy but not raining anymore. It could be a great afternoon for biking!
Although it was cloudy at night, I could still see some stars. Here is a cool pictures of the sky.

I pretty much spent the whole day in the hotel lobby to upload pictures from my Nikon D300. As I blogged yesterday, I actually called a couple hotels before picking this one --- laptops are so common now that not all hotels have public computers.
Anywaw, all the pictures (up to yesterady) are now avaliable! The blogs themselves are not all written. It will take me couple more days to catch up the writing.

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