Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 22: Hudson to Utica

July 22nd, mostly sunny

I woke up around 7 and got some breakfast in the gas station. The owner was not there but I still decided to leave some money for my stay and dinner.

I arrived the Rough River Dam State Park around noon. There is a fancy loudge there. Because I needed to fax couple documents to my moving company, I went there to have lunch and fill out my document. I then asked the counter to fax the documents for me. Hopefully my moving was all set.

The afternoon ride was difficult because of the heat. Anyway, I managed to make it to Utica by sunset. There is a very nice fire station in Utica that bikers can stay in. I met two other bikers there, Christopher and Kloby. Both of them were doing the full bike across America trip. They didn't start together, but because they are heading east, apparently they had met a couple times. And here are the links to their blogs: and

Christopher did the Western Express Trail. He commented that I have to bring a lot of water --- probably more than 8 liter for a day. As soon as I do that I should be able to survive the desert ride.

When the sun was fully set. I setup my Galileoscope. I showed Christopher and Kloby the moon, mars, vince, and suturn. We had some great fun.

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